Now that we are in the second month of the year, I decided I would share my own self improvement goals for 2018. Today I will not only give you insight on my progress, but also reveal my struggles, and things I am finding helpful to reach these goals. Below are my 4 areas of focus for a new and improved version of myself this year:
Goal 1 -Family and Work Balance:

A.C. and I with my mom and stepdad at Huntington Gardens in Pasadena
My most important goal for the new year is to spend more time with my family, mainly my 17 month old son, A.C. I can’t believe how fast he is growing right before my eyes, and I don’t want to miss a minute. At 40 years old, I have had an amazing career, been a great boss, and earned a good living in the corporate world. Now I am fortunate enough that I can be a stay at home mom, and put all of that on hold for the first few years of raising my son.
I started this blog as a creative outlet for myself after leaving my career in the fashion industry. Although I am greatly enjoying this project, you may have noticed that I have taken a little step back since the beginning of the year. Between my mother visiting from Ohio for 3 weeks, and keeping my family time a priority, I have not focused as much as I would like to on this site. While keeping my family focus top on mind, I am also committing to at least one quality post per week going forward.

A.C. and I with my mom at Huntington Gardens in Pasadena
In order to maintain balance between family and blog, I have started leaving the house to work on the 3 mornings a week that I have my nanny. Our local YMCA and my favorite little cafe, C’est La Vie, have become my new working spots away from home. I find that I am much more productive when A.C. is not around, and it allows me to get my work done without interruption, or being torn between work and motherhood. I also am really trying not to be glued to social media when I am with A.C. I want to set an example of quality social interaction with those physically around me first. My sincerest apologies in advance to my loyal Instagram and Facebook followers for taking a day or two respond to your comments and DMs.

C’est La Vie Montrose – Photo my Octavia Klein
Goal 2 – Fitness:
A reset of the fitness routine is probably the most common New Year’s goal, and I am no exception. Although I workout regularly throughout the year, I usually a little break in December. Once January hits, I am always ready to get back in the game. My approach for fitness in 2018 is to try and do some kind of exercise each and every day. This doesn’t mean that every day is a hard workout. Some days might be a walk around the neighborhood, or 15 minutes on my stationery bike. The point is to stay active daily. I find that days I workout, I also am more likely to eat right, and have more motivation throughout the day.
I have to admit that this goal is not being met 100%, but I find that lofty goals keep me motivated. I stuck with it every day for a little over 2 weeks, and then missed a few days while travelling recently. One of the things that is keeping working out daily is the Sweat App from BBG. Although the BBG program is meant to be followed step by step each week, I am using it to supplement on the days when I don’t have my nanny so I can leave the house for a workout. I find these workouts to be a great way to feel good about my fitness for the day. A.C. loves to watch me and even tries to participate sometimes.
The other great way for me to stay on track with my daily workouts is to switch things up. I recently renewed my membership to our local YMCA where they offer dozens of different classes. In a given week I might do a dance class, pilates, weight training, running with the baby at the Rose Bowl, BBG, spin, and a yoga class. All of this change really keeps me going, otherwise I get bored very fast!
Goal 3 – Clean Eating:

Beet Pasta from Cece’s Veggie Noodles with fried egg
Along with working out, I have been trying to remain mostly on a Whole 30 or paleo diet. I did the Whole 30 diet very strictly a few years ago in January, and discovered that this eating lifestyle is one I am able to stick with. If you are not familiar with the Whole 30, the basics are that you don’t eat anything processed. Main categories that are off limits are all grains, dairy, sugar, alcohol, legumes, and soy products. The diet forces you to focus your eating on fruits and vegetables, protein, and good fats. Critics say they are concerned with the amount of meat that people consume on this diet. However, I find that I actually eat more veggies than I normally would because things like pasta, rice, and bread get substituted with vegetables.
In order to stay on this eating path, I have found one food delivery service that is Whole 30 approved. Model Meals, which delivers twice weekly in both Northern and Southern California has been key to my success. The meals are innovative, tasty, and they include a variety of choices from week to week. Click here for $25 off your first order with Model Meals if you would like to try for yourself.

Zucchini Spaghetti with meat sauce from Model Meals
For the most part, I have been able to stick with this lifestyle consistently. Periodically I will add some Greek yogurt to my diet, sneak a small piece of cheese or bread from A.C.’s plate, and eat a bit of dark chocolate on occasion. I also enjoy wine, but I am now limiting this to 2 nights per week. Good nutrition should be a lifestyle that we strive for, but I am also one who appreciates food and wine. An occasional indulgence is just good for a happy life!
Goal 4 – Beauty Routine:
After turning 40 last year, I find myself concerned with fighting aging now more than ever. I have always believed that staying young and vibrant is about eating right, staying active, drinking plenty of water, and using sunscreen religiously. These are still rules I live by, but suddenly I am finding there is more to fighting the aging process.
Skincare: My first beauty change is to consistently take care of my skin. I recently began using skincare treatments from Rodan & Fields. I have read amazing things about these products, and my friend Alissa finally convinced me to try them. The new routine requires me to actually give my skin some attention every morning and night. This is something I have not been totally consistent about before. I will have more on my Rodan & Fields progress with before and after pictures once I have used the products consistently for 60 days.
Teeth Whitening: The second beauty area I am paying more attention to is my teeth. I recently made at home impressions with my Smile Brilliant kit and expect to receive new whitening trays shortly. I was thrilled when Smile Brilliant reached out to me last month to try their at home whitening kit. It’s great that the impressions can be made in the comfort of your own home instead of the dentist. I am also a fan of the fact that they offer a sensitive tooth formula. Once I complete the whitening, I will give you a follow up on the results with before and after shots.
Overall, I am happy with my progress for an improved me so far this year. It is not easy as a mom of young children to make your own self improvement a priority. However, it is necessary to keep the balance in our over scheduled, crazy world. I will keep you posted on my progress with these various goals though this blog and my Instagram stories. It not only helps me stay on track, but I am hopeful that it motivates you as well. Here’s to staying on track with whatever self improvement you committed to this year! I would love to hear some of your goals and about your progress so far in comments!